New Breed Blog

New Breed's New Year's Resolutions

Written by Maria Kissel | Feb 4, 2019 7:29:00 PM

As New Breed continues to grow as the world's leading customer acquisition agency for high-growth companies, we wanted to share the drive and grit that our teams demonstrate on a daily basis. Check out some of our featured team's New Year's Resolutions for 2019!

Olivia Perek, Inbound Team

Team Resolution: This year, the Inbound team’s resolution is to experiment more with new channels, tools and tactics to drive more qualified leads for our clients. We’re looking forward to turning the volume up on our impact on our client’s revenue.

Personal Resolution: I’m looking forward to consuming as many books as possible and building a personal curriculum so I hold myself to always learning something new.


Eric Levine, Web Team

Team Resolution: The Web team is looking forward to continuing to produce and solve for our clients with new designs.

Personal Resolution: I am learning how to play guitar this year!



Beth Abbott, Sales Team

Team Resolution: The Sales team is looking forward to helping companies accelerate growth in 2019. This year we want to continue to sell in an inbound way so that we can help educate and inform companies on the best way to solve their business challenges

Personal Resolution: I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things! 


Pat Buono, BizOps Team

Team Resolution: The Biz Ops team is looking forward to enacting as much positive change for the organization as possible in 2019. 

Personal Resolution: To play more shows with my band! 



Everett Ackerman
Search Team and Client Success Team

Search Team Resolution: The Search team is looking forward to even more collaboration between content and web strategy in 2019. This year we want to make sure that everything that gets put out on the web has SEO best practices baked in. 

Client Success Team Resolution: The Client Success team is looking forward to driving value for our clients in 2019. This year we want to focus on ensuring collaborative and positive partnerships with each of our clients so that we can grow together.

Personal Resolution: I'm hoping to adopt a dog! 


Guido Bartolacci, Internal Marketing Team

Team Resolution: I’m looking forward to discovering which strategies are the most successful, why they worked so well, and sharing what we learned with our clients and the rest of the marketing community.

Personal Resolution: To ski the east, hike the green mountains, play with my dog more, and most importantly spend more time with my amazing wife.


Graham Schwab, Recruitment Team

Team Resolution: The recruiting team is looking to create more tech opportunities and attract more talent to the state of Vermont in 2019. We want to continue to invest in our employees and grow our company while fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Personal Resolution: I want to read more, travel further, and eat healthier.