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June 6, 2019

Boost Conversion Rates with These 4 Forms of Non-Traditional Content


We all know that content is king when it comes to marketing.

However, what many new marketing teams don’t realize is that content is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of concepts. Producing blogs and videos is a solid start, but they’re just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the numerous forms of content that can boost your conversion rates.

It’s never too late to start branching out a bit with your content planning and production, especially if you’re trying to win more sales.

Here are four non-traditional forms that have massive benefits in terms of earning consumer trust and jump-starting sales.

1. Whitepapers

There’s really no better way to establish your brand as an authority within its field than by publishing a whitepaper. Instead of winning your customers over with interesting information like a blog does, a white paper earns clients’ trust through an academic view on a particular problem or topic. People tend to trust supported facts and statics more than anything else.


The downside of whitepapers is that they aren’t simple to produce like an 800-word blog is. In fact, they can take as long to write as an e-book does. Despite the time and energy it requires to produce, the intelligent analysis and final whitepaper will pay off in the long-run.

If your content team isn’t used to producing whitepapers, consider starting with free guides like “how to build followers on Instagram.” People can sign up to access the evergreen content, and then your marketing team can use the signups to grow their email marketing campaigns. According to Demand Gen Report, 76% of buyers said they were willing to share information about themselves with a business in exchange for a whitepaper.

2. Case Studies

Like a whitepaper, a case study takes more time and energy to produce than most blogs. On the positive side, they are super effective at demonstrating the problem-solving abilities of both your company and the products/services you sell. A case study clearly shows your audience how you can help them fix their issues, but it isn’t a hard sell.

By tackling a problem within your industry and showing how your business addressed the issue in one instance, you’ll gain users’ trust while establishing an authoritative foothold within your field. Plus, case studies are great for naturally building a keyword presence in relation to a common problem within the industry.

Case studies are also evergreen, which means that they can be referred to time and time again over the next few years. You can incorporate them into future content, thereby making the content team’s life easier in the coming months and years. Additionally, viewers can read the case study and know that it’s a reliable source of information for years.

Download The Essential Guide to Developing a Content Strategy to learn how to  effectively drive high conversions.

3. Interviews with Authoritative Figures

Not only is this kind of content beneficial for conversions, but it’s also fun for consumers to stumble across. Readers love to check out interviews with popular names in your industry, and they’ll be impressed that you were able to connect with people they respect.

Remember that interviews aren’t just a chance to name drop or garner clicks. They need to be pertinent to your target audience. Keep interviews on-topic and relevant. When done correctly, interviews with industry experts can pack a powerful punch and benefit your sales, rather than just the popularity of the interviewee.


For example, check out The Blonde Abroad’s interview series “Kicking the Cubicle.” She’s a big name in the world of travel, but she also talks to other women with nontraditional jobs in interviews. This establishes her place in the world of female travel and reinforces what’s important to The Blonde Abroad brand: supporting independent women who explore the world. Her readers gobble it up.

Interviews don’t just have to be a written form of content. Consider hosting live webinar chats or stream the interview on one of your social media pages. Additionally, you don’t just have to seek out interviewees — you can be the interviewee. Do some research and outreach to get yourself featured on other people’s blogs and websites

4. Product Comparisons

Most companies are quick to highlight their own products via social media, blog posts, ads and pretty much any content they produce. However, many fail to show how their products compare to others in the industry.

When people read the content your company produces, they aren’t just doing so for fun. Your content is a part of their research process. Modern-day customers compare everything from product details to company morals before making a purchase.

A recent study from Think With Google indicates that consumers with no brand loyalty can spend over a week making their decision. Cut down on their work by creating your own comparisons. This will speed up the conversion process and encourage them to build loyalty with you, not some other company.

Be authentic in your comparisons. Don’t just downplay the benefits of other products to highlight the positive aspects of your own — consumers will see right through that. Instead, offer a fair perspective on several options. Readers will trust you more for it, and if your product is truly one of the best, they’ll be more likely to purchase it.

To Sum It All Up

Blogs are fantastic. Social media posts are essential. Don’t stop producing them — we’re just saying that you shouldn’t stop there!

Content is a multifaceted tool, and as a marketing team, you should do everything you can to vary your creations. Touch on every base by providing academic research, product comparisons, interviews and anything else you think will increase your chances of winning customers.

Above all else, remember that modern consumers are very smart. They’ll scoff at content that solely and blatantly benefits your brand. Instead, produce content that benefits them directly. People like brands that want the best for their customers, and they can tell if you do by reading the content you create.

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Jaykishan Panchal

Jaykishan Panchal is an SEO & Content Marketing Manager at E2M Solutions Inc. Implementing cutting edge SEO strategies to help businesses strengthen their online presence is his forte. Apart from helping small and big businesses, he loves to jot down valuable resources for Entrepreneurs, Start Ups, Technology Geeks...


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