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Case Study

Employee engagement platform increases website traffic by 39%

Fresh of the heels of a rebrand, Reward Gateway was looking to update their website to reflect their new identity. However, they had three different sales regions with their own unique product offerings and strategy and needed their website to effectively address all three.


About Reward Gateway

Reward Gateway delivers the leading employee engagement platform in the US by bridging the gap between employers and employees. They're on a mission to enable employees, worldwide, to be more productive and innovative in the workplace. However, their lack of a regionally-specific website was holding them back from successfully achieving that mission.

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Reward Gateway's challenge

Reward Gateway had recently gone through a full re-branding of their company — no small project by any means. With a new vision and brand identity, Reward Gateway knew they needed a lead-generating website to support their fresh look. However, they needed a website with specific content and navigation for their three sales regions: North America, The United Kingdom and Australia. Because their product offerings and strategy changed from region to region, Reward Gateway realized a one-size-fits-all website just wasn’t going to cut it. With the success of the rebrand heavily dependent on the development of a regionally-specific, global-optimized website, Reward Gateway reached out to New Breed for help.

Reward Gateway Website

New Breed's solution

Our solution involved exactly what Reward Gateway needed  — the development of one global website, comprised of three separate regionalized, persona-driven sites. 

The process began as New Breed's web designers worked collaboratively with the art directors at Reward Gateway to develop best-in-class mock-ups. These worked with the new branding but also focused heavily on user conversions. From a conversion standpoint, identifying their buyer personas on a global and regional basis allowed us to determine the best strategy for delivering content and conversion opportunities throughout each geographically-specific site.

In terms of the development, New Breed leveraged the GeoIP functionality in HubSpot's Smart Content feature to make the main homepage customized with unique content and navigation features for each region. With the aid of HubSpot’s Smart Content, we were able to show banners for users visiting sites outside of their region to lead them to their regionally-specific content. 

The use of Smart Content didn’t stop there. We implemented it in their resource center to dynamically show the most relevant offers for a given region. By leveraging a URL-based logic, we were able to simultaneously allow the site to use a singular set of templates while having the header and footer remain unique to a specific region. As an SEO measure, we utilized standard country codes for URLs as well as "content-language" meta-information to achieve the best possible local search results.

0% increase in website traffic
0% increase in average session duration
0% improvement in bounce rate


In the first month after the launch of Reward Gateway's new global site, they saw a 39% increase in total website traffic, along with a 28% increase in traffic from organic search, a 61% increase in direct traffic and a 46% increase in traffic from paid search compared to the previous year. 

The increase in sessions Reward Gateway saw for all three of their buying regions compared to the previous year proved the power of more persona-based, region-driven site. Their North American site saw a 24% increase in sessions, while their UK site saw a 61% session increase and their Australian site saw the most significant session increase of 81.4%.

Because of our globalization efforts with SEO and our three-sites-in-one approach, the total number of indexed pages increased by 37%. When we look back to the months leading up the launch, Reward Gateway has since seen an improvement in overall sessions, users, page-views, pages per session, average session duration and bounce rate (*See image of data specifics below).

Reward Gateway site performance metrics

The significance of the impact Reward Gateway’s re-branding had alongside the launch of their new website was unparalleled. Their new, regional, persona-driven content provided a clear path for more optimal conversions and improved user experience. Because of this, the website was well-received by Reward Gateway’s sales team as it allowed for leads to be routed, by region, to the most appropriate reps.

Reward Gateway has a defining company culture, and their new site allows them to exemplify it in a much more global way. With all the pieces in place to deliver the right messaging to the appropriate contacts and add a little sprinkle of cultural flair in between, Reward Gateway will continue to reap the benefits of their internationally-optimized, lead-generating website.


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